
g as we bathed in the river.


    我间仔细端详已经怀孕的的每。 因们已经怀孕了继续每了,我们这男俘虏忙照料有被非洲黑猩猩般的黑鬼们肚皮配功的俘们。直到们的肚止。


    Sarah Jane and Frances had the largest stomachs, which, according to Andre, meant they would have babies very soon. Elvira's belly stuck out noticeably, but less than half as far as the other two.

    萨瑞 琼 佛朗斯的肚的,其他了。勒维拉的肚已经向外凸是比们两个的肚至少呢。几个月。

    Sarah Jane lined up next to me for the morning Routine; it was the first opportunity I had to scrutinize, and be able to talk with, a pregnant woman. She had an impish smile, and blue eyes, like the color of the open ocean. Her build was average, not thin but not chubby either. Most conspicuous, though, was that her breasts were much too large for her body size, rounded and rolling to the outside over her protruding belling. Perhaps they would hang straight down after the baby was born.

    这早晨队的候,萨瑞 琼了。


    萨瑞 琼长双像辽阔垠的般蔚蓝睛,脸顽皮的笑的身材很匀称不胖不瘦恰到



    The areolas were also bigger than other women's, with a diameter about the length of my longest finger. I had never noticed before, but she had small wooden slivers going through each nipple at its base! I glanced down the line at the other pregnant ones, and they too had similar piercings. When Sarah Jane saw me staring at her breasts, she hoisted them in her hands and turned toward me for a closer look.




    萨瑞 琼到我注视的两凑到我让我仔细

    "It's a mark of increased value among these people, to have these little sticks through our titties when we're carrying babies. They a
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