


    I noticed Frances had tubular, elongated tits riding on top of her belly; Elvira had tiny breasts that hardly stood out at all.


    我当时疼的自己不停尖叫和甩。但是不允许任何摁着我或者扶着我坐。我知道那实在是疼了。但是好不如赖着。所以我只能是不停惨叫和嚎哭直到他们把这切都完 。艾勒维拉和斯她们两个也是这样熬过来的】


    While staring at Elvira, who was showing but not very big yet, I wondered how the women in my family would react to the piercings. I was also curious what they would look like when they were pregnant, and how they would feel about being "milked" twice a day, like a goat or a cow

    Sarah Jane saw me gazing at the others, and said, "It hurts like hell when they put them in. And no one is allowed to hold you down while they're doing it. You're supposed to offer the Seers your tits, and stand still while they push the damn things all the way through. I screamed my head off, but nobody forced me or held me. I knew it would be painful, but better than one of their punishments. So I just squealed and bawled until it was done. So did Elvira and Frances."

    Frances and Elvira had sticks through their nipples, too. They were all about the thickness of a quill pen, sharpened on the inserted end, and a perhaps a little more than three inches long.

    斯和艾勒维拉也都有根细木签穿过她们的晕相方。 那些木签子约有根羽笔杆英寸长点的样子,进去的分锋利,

ah Jane, there were no lines. Her skin flowed smoothly from under her breasts down to her knees, and her vagina was just part of the curve of her belly, covered with pubic hair, but still visible. I was later told that the differences had to do with how the baby was "set" and the size of the baby. I had no way of knowing whether those were facts or myths.


    我看到佛朗斯那对吊垂在前的像 两个雪子像两个小半袋面口袋样长长的拖坠在她已经鼓起来的肚子


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